Category Archives: Uncategorized

  • Standing On One Leg Can Change Your Life

    Posted on by admin in Uncategorized.

    This was the pose. Many years ago, early into my yoga journey, I’d watch the more experienced students around me reach depths in their practices that I never thought I’d reach. I’d watch them in admiration without even questioning the thought that I could never “be as good” as they were. Then one day, in […]

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  • The Subtleties in Silence

    Posted on by admin in Short Articles, Uncategorized.

    Year 2020 I recently read an article where a scientist explained that because much of the world is sheltering in place, the earth is vibrating less. Because of this, the instruments tracking the earth’s seismic activity were, for the first time, able to sense the more subtle vibrations of the planet. I felt so excited […]

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