Yogic Living

Guiding you along the yogic path toward a spiritual transformation

Healthy Habits

Supporting you in developing and sustaining healthier habits for life

Emotional Freedom

Helping you release emotions that keep you stuck in dissatisfaction

Purpose and Fulfillment

Assisting you in finding purpose and fulfillment while making a difference

Inspirational Reading

  • Standing On One Leg Can Change Your Life

    This was the pose.
    Many years ago, early into my yoga journey, I’d watch the more experienced students around me reach depths in their practices that I never thought I’d reach. I’d watch them in admiration without even questioning the thought […]

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  • The Subtleties in Silence

    Year 2020

    I recently read an article where a scientist explained that because much of the world is sheltering in place, the earth is vibrating less. Because of this, the instruments tracking the earth’s seismic activity were, for the first time, […]

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  • Emotional Freedom and the Yogic Path

    The word yoga means to connect, or yoke. But another way of looking at it I’ve learned is that yoga is the process of disconnecting – disconnecting from the obstacles that prevent us from uniting with the divine (God, Spirit, Flow, […]

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  • Healthy Habits Coaching

    Part of yogic living is developing a healthy lifestyle. And a healthy lifestyle is made up of healthy habits.
    My philosophy of a healthy lifestyle includes 4 main pillars: 1) Physical 2) Emotional 3) Social 4) Spiritual. And all the habits […]

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  • What Style of Yoga?

    As you have likely discovered by this point, I am passionate about yogic living. I see it as a wonderful framework to lead a happy, healthy, connected life. I am also incredibly passionate about science, and knowing how the practices […]

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  • What is Yogic Living?

    Yoga is the thread that runs through all of the support I offer. It’s an entire system for total life transformation. Not everyone realizes that the poses that have become most associated with the term “yoga” in the United States is only a very small part […]

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What People Are Saying About Working With Me

Read more reviews under Acknowledgments

There are a few essential and hard to come by qualities that my coach must have. She/he must have the ability to make me feel heard, loved, and understood. Lisa is a master at this! I feel so safe talking to her that it creates a space for self discovery and healing. This in itself is enough for me but she also has clear insights and fresh healthy perspectives. She is a dream come true! ~ Hayden Lilien, California

Personal Coaching

I have attended many body love and healing workshops in my life, this was hands down the best. The work was thoughtful, deep, and profound. The teachings dealt with core beliefs and the exercises were extremely powerful. I felt deeply moved with so much love and compassion for myself and the others in the workshop. It was a transformational experience. ~ Sarah Lakey, California

Loving Your Body Workshop for Women

I have walked away from this program with an entirely new way of thinking. Although I am human and continue to experience a rainbow of emotions each day, I can honestly say I no longer suffer from jealousy. The tools I have acquired from this course are priceless. I now have an awareness of the root of my jealousy and how to extinguish it. I absolutely recommend that anyone suffering from feelings of love addiction, obsession, jealousy, or fear register for this course. I could not be happier! ~ Course Participant

Overcoming Jealousy Online Course